
For mini focaccia:

For the chicken in bacon.

  • 4 pieces of chicken white meat
  • 12 large pieces of bacon
  • basil
  • peel of 1 lemon
  • salt and ground black pepper
  • cooking oil




From all these ingredients knead a soft dough. Allow to stand for about 40 minutes at room temperature. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts. Form mini focaccia by breaking each of the pieces and letting them stand for about 30 minutes. Before baking, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and make holes in the whole dough with your fingers. Bake the seals for about 20-25 minutes until they get a nice golden brown color. Put the pieces of chicken white meat in a deep bowl. Add salt and ground black pepper. Add the lemon zest and mix all the ingredients well. Take a piece of bacon or prosciutto and fold it through the whole piece of chicken steak in which you will put fresh basil. Fry the chicken prepared in bacon in a pan with heated oil. On each piece of mini focaccia, serve a piece of chicken steak cut in half.


500 g Extra white flour type 400   1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon dry or fresh rosemary 1 1/2 teaspoon bukovec (dried crushed red pepper) 1/2 cube fresh yeast 350 ml lukewarm water 100 g green olives 100 g Kalamata olives

Ines cake

Ines cake

12 slices Rye rusk 200 g chocolate topping 200 g unsalted fresh cow cheese  545 ml water 25 g powdered sugar 2 bags of vanilla sugar 200 g whipped cream for 700 g cherry compote 20 g colorless cake dressing 100 g hazelnuts

Sandwich with cream cheese, turkey and lettuce

Sandwich with cream cheese, turkey and lettuce

8 slices of White bread 8 slices of cooked turkey meat (low-fat) 100g cream cheese olive oil 1 tomato, chopped into small pieces 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley salt and freshly ground pepper 4 lettuce leaves

Polenta with mushrooms

Polenta with mushrooms

170 g of Polenta 800 ml water 2 tablespoons “Vegeta” ½ l tomato paste 1 onion 1 chopped clove of garlic little white wine 10g butter 2 tablespoons oil mushrooms a little lemon juice oregano and parsley as desired

Sandwich with tomato, oregano, dill and feta

Sandwich with tomato, oregano, dill and feta

8 slices of Wholemeal bread with a mix of grains 150g grated feta cheese 2 teaspoons of dill seeds 2 tomatoes, chopped into cubes oregano salt and freshly ground pepper 4 lettuce leaves

Almond cake and vanilla cream

Almond cake and vanilla cream

For sponge cake: 500 g Extra white flour type 400 1 pack baking powder 5 tablespoons of sugar 150 ml of milk 120 ml of oil 4 eggs 150 g of crushed almonds For the cream: 1 pack of vanilla pudding 150 ml of sweet sour cream 2 tablespoon vanilla extract



For the dough: 500 g Extra white flour type 400 250 g milk 2 tablespoons sugar ½ yeast 1 egg 3 tablespoons olive oil salt to taste For the filling: 1 tablespoon Extra white flower type 400 2 tablespoons butter 1 medium onion 500 g fresh mushrooms 200 ml water 1 tablespoon dried basi 1 […]



For the biscuit crust:   200 g blended Cookies with chocolate pieces 70 g softened butter  4 ½ tablespoons sugar  For the filling:  230 g cream cheese (mascarpone)  230 g powdered sugar   200 ml sweet cream 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 150 g of strawberry jam