Professional white type 400 25kg

A high performance white flour, ideal for preparing different types of bakeries, cakes and pastries. Products made from this flour obtain an excellent volume.

Available in packs of 25 kg.

Salt sesame – bomblets

Salt sesame – bomblets

For the dough: 500 g All-purposes flour 2 eggs (1 whole egg + 1 yolk for the dough) 2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon rum or cognac 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 cooking margarine 1 cup sour milk 1 cup cooking oil For decoration:  1 white egg half teaspoon salt 100g sesame

Honey hearts

Honey hearts

For the dough: 500g Bakery flour type 500 250g honey; 100g sugar; 150g margarine; 1 egg; 10g cocoa; 2 teaspoons cinnamon; 1 bag of baking powder; 100g finely chopped almonds. Filling: 2 vanilla pudding; ½ liter milk.

Homemade Pie

Homemade Pie

For the dough: 700g All-purposes flour 380-400ml water 10g sugar 300g flour to powder 20ml cooking oil 300ml oil to sprinkling 10g fresh yeast 15d salt Filling as desired.



1kg Bakery flour type 500 30g fresh yeast; 20g salt; 10g sugar; about 580 ml of water.



500g Bakery flour type 500 150ml cooking oil; 4 eggs; 300g sugar; 150ml milk; 25g cocoa; 1 sachet vanilla sugar; 1 bag of baking powder; grated zest.

Cake with poppy

Cake with poppy

4 cups Bakery flour type 500 2 cups milk 2 cups sugar 2 cups cooking oil 100g poppy seed 1 sachet vanilla sugar 1 bag of baking powder



For the dough: 1kg Extra white flour type 400 400ml milk 3 eggs 200ml cooking oil 200g sugar 20g yeast 1 vanilla sugar Decoration optional: -sugar powder or melted chocolate



For the dough: 1kg Bakery flour type 500 2 teaspoons salt 1 margarine 40g yeast 2 eggs 150ml cooking oil 100ml milk 2 teaspoons sugar 300 ml of water Sesame or caraway seeds for decoration.