American pancakes





Mix the flour, baking powder and sugar in a deep bowl. Set aside the egg to which the previously melted and cooled butter is added, then add the milk. The liquid mixture is added to the flour and mix well. Put a little oil in a heated pancake pan. With a spoon remove from the mixture and place in the pan. When the pancake raises and when bubbles begin to form around it, it is turned over and fried on the other side. Repeat the procedure until you use up all the mixture. The prepared pancakes are coated and decorated as desired.
Homemade pasta

Homemade pasta

For the pasta: 100 g Extra white flour type 400 1 egg a pinch of salt For the sauce: 40 g grated parmesan 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper olive oil

Жито Лукс рецепт – Торта со моркови

Жито Лукс рецепт – Торта со моркови

Жито Лукс рецепт – мезе леб со зелен сос

Жито Лукс рецепт – мезе леб со зелен сос

Sweet rusks

Sweet rusks

12 slices Wheat rusk 2 small cups of cranberry juice 1/2 small cup of water 125 g sugar 1 bag of cinnamon 1 piece of zest 2 tablespoons starch 2 tablespoons almonds 2 tablespoons raisins



1kg Bakery flour type 500 30g fresh yeast; 20g salt; 10g sugar; about 580 ml of water.

Club sandwich with fresh vegetables

Club sandwich with fresh vegetables

8 slices of Wholemeal bread 8 lettuce leaves; 16 pieces of dried, finely chopped ​​tomatoes 2 zucchini, sliced ​​into thin rounds 1 eggplant, sliced ​​into thin rounds 2 tomatoes, sliced ​​into thin rounds 4 tablespoons low calorie mayonnaise olive oil salt and freshly ground pepper



500 g Extra white flour type 400 250 ml water 2 packages of dry yeast 3 teaspoons salt 50 g sugar 100 g + 250 g butter 1 egg for coating

Rusk cakes with apricots

Rusk cakes with apricots

15 slices Wheat rusk 1 can of apricot compote 125 g butter 125 g sugar 3 eggs 100 g flour a little salt 2 tablespoons baking powder 100 g apricot jam a few almonds for decoration