- 300 g Cookies with chocolate chips
- 300 ml water
- 250 g sugar
- 100 g butter
- 50 g chocolate
For the filling:
- 200 ml sweet cream
- 2 tablespoons cappuccino of your favorite taste
For the filling:
For the dough: 600 g Extra white flour type 400 200 ml milk 1 yeast 3 tablespoons sugar pinch salt 4 egg yolks 200 g butter vanilla extract yolk for coating For the filling: 300 g ground walnuts 4 whites vanilla extract 5 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons Extra white flour type 400 1 tablespoon butter 4 tablespoons sugar 1 yolk 100 g cooking chocolate with at least 60% cocoa 3 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon vanilla extract pinch of salt 2 egg whites 50 g sugar 1/2 teaspoon alcoholic vinegar
For the biscuit crust: 350 g blended Cookies with chocolate pieces 125 g softened butter 4½ tablespoons sugar For the filling: 250 ml milk 230 ml sweet cream 1 vanilla sugar 25 g powdered sugar 5 egg yolks 2 tablespoons Wheat flour Zito Luks 1 tablespoon Extra white flour Zito Luks 200 g coarsely chopped […]
500 g Extra white flour type 400 250 g lukewarm milk ½ fresh yeast 3 tablespoons sugar pinch of salt 1 teaspoon of alcoholic vinegar For the filling: 200 g cow cottage cheese 100 g chopped fresh spinach
For sponge cake: 15 tablespoons Extra white flour type 400 1 pack baking powder 5 eggs 15 tablespoons sugar 15 tablespoons oil 15 tablespoons milk 1 sachet of vanilla sugar For the filling: 250 ml of sweet sour cream 1 sachet of gelatin 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 200 g of strawberries
300 g Extra white flour type 400 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teapoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground dry ginger ½ teaspoon nutmeg slightly minced carnation 3 eggs 120 g carrot puree (boiled and mashed carrots) 150 g sugar 120 ml cooking oil (or melted butter) 60 ml water 1 bag of vanilla […]
1 package Rye bread 500ml pastry cream 300g strawberries 2 teaspoons sugar ½ teaspoon vanilla extract