Objavi DOnacija (2)We have spent all 65 years of our existence as a company in stable and thorough analysis for successful and proper operation. We are constantly looking for the right way to help the right place, at the right time, for the right people. We have helped before where we found out that help is needed. This time we found out that the small children who stay in the surgical department at the General Hospital in Veles need help.

We decided to apply the already proven and successful donation technique, by donating 2 denars from each bread bought from Zito Luks.

The aim was to raise as much money as possible to be donated to buy equipment in the hospital, and thus to facilitate the stay of the children in the hospital ward, ie to enable faster recovery. We started the action on September 16 and it will last until enough funds are raised to equip the children’s department. In the meantime, the most necessary equipment has already been ordered. With the donated funds from Zito Luks, it is planned to purchase: beds, TVs, tables, air-conditioner, refrigerator, IV holders, inhalers, aspirators and other necessary elements that will be placed in one room for the children in the surgical department. We realized the donation with the help of the Association of Parents for the Care of a Healthy Generation, whose humanity reached the Children’s Department of the General Hospital in Veles, where the stay of the children is most endangered, and the help is most needed.

The Association of Parents for the Care of a Healthy Generation is an association dedicated to working with such vulnerable groups. Their help is unreserved, and humaneness is boundless. The activities of Zito Luks will not stop here.
There are always people who need care and help, and we will always be ready to meet them.

Objavi DOnacija (1) Objavi DOnacija (3)