The commitment to enhance lives and make a difference is at the heart of every conscientious and well-organized company’s daily operations. This concept spans diverse realms such as human rights, environmental sustainability, cultural support, and addressing social challenges.

As a testament to our commitment to social responsibility, we have aligned ourselves with the “Retweet Meal” and “True Acts of Kindness” associations. Throughout every Saturday in October, precisely at noon, we gathered in front of the Mother Teresa monument in Skopje’s city center. There, we distributed 300 loaves of bread, accompanied by homemade meals, to individuals in vulnerable social situations. Additionally, our company consistently donates bread from our product range on a weekly basis to the Point for Homeless Persons of the Red Cross in Momin Potok.

These acts of generosity at “Zito Luks” form a vital part of our initiatives in celebration of “World Bread Day” on October 16. Rest assured, we are committed to continuing these actions in the months to come.