The company's new visual identity was launched with new colors, a new logo and a new, modern design of all packaging. This is a big step in the direction of modernizing the appearance of the brand according to the latest world trends and bringing it closer to new generations of buyers.
With this change, we have reflected the aspiration of Zito Luks for constant movement in the direction of positive small and large changes that will further enable the growth and development of the company.


In 2023, we enriched the offer with two new integral breads produced from 100% whole grain. These breads represent a real wealth of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and healthy carbohydrates necessary for good metabolism and top shape.
100% WHOLE GRAIN is an ideal combination of healthy bread that is soft and tasty at the same time, so all those who care about their nutrition and also want to enjoy good taste have finally found their partner at the table.


This year we launched the first functional bread on the market – DIYA bread. Knowing what challenges people with diabetes face every day, when it comes to proper nutrition, after long tests and with the support of the Association of Diabetics of Macedonia, we created bread with a reduced amount of sugars. We have obtained this product with the correct combination of indigestible carbohydrates whose purpose is to maintain the normal amount of sugar in the blood.Diya bread is a real treat for all those who care about their health and their line by combining low-calorie products.


2020 is a year when we are proud to present the new category of breads called Super Breads whose main feature is the high nutritional value. In creating them, we use so-called super ingredients (known as "superfoods") such as: chia, pumpkin, spelt, oats, buckwheat and amaranth, offering our customers a choice of three new breads - an ideal choice for a balanced and healthy diet.
Made with a unique and simple recipe, Super breads basically contain 100% whole grains and minimally processed ingredients, which are additionally enriched with super grains, cereals, and olive oil, giving a balanced and unique taste. Apart from this, Super breads, like the other breads in our range, have no preservatives, artificial colors and do not contain added sugars and palm fat.


There is hardly anyone that does not enjoy a good and rich sandwich. That is why, for the fans of creative meals and snacks, in 2019 we introduced on the market the new XL sliced breads, giving the two best-selling flavors a new, bigger dimension, ideal for preparing XL tasty and fresh sandwiches. XL sliced breads, like the other breads in our portfolio, do not contain preservatives or artificial colors.


Part of the biscuit range in 2018 got an extension and a new identity: sweet cakes as part of the new attractive brand Just2Good. Just2Good brings new, fresh energy to the look of packaging and communication with consumers. This portfolio includes: Chocolate chip cookies, Filled sandwich biscuits and Soft cookies that in taste and appearance fully justify their name: simply incredibly delicious!


70 years of love and dedication to meet consumer desires. We believe that a lot of hard work stands behind every superb product. That way we at Zito Luks are sure that all families have only the best at their table. 2016, a new love is born in the Zito Luks Family, on its anniversary. The new product category has brought a rush of sweet delight. This new sweet wave of BISCUITS came in many different flavours and forms: petit beurre, tea biscuits, milk biscuits, cakes and sandwich biscuits, followed promptly by the whole grain biscuits, launched by Zito Luks.


In 2008, the first whole meal breads appeared on the market - Graham and Bavarian. Made from the highest quality cereals, with high nutritional value, the new breads are an ideal basis for real specialties and a balanced diet. For simple and practical everyday use, they are sliced and packaged. Long lasting, without preservatives, they are the right choice for all those who want to try something special and healthy on every occasion.


2007 is a year of change: first the rebranding of the toast bread from Elite to Zito Luk sliced bread in a new and modern packaging, then the introduction of new flavors of bread. With that, the family of sliced breads is enriched with two new flavors, so the two basic flavors Wheat White and Wheat with Rye are joined by new ones: Whole-wheat bread and Wheat bread with grain mix. Our innovation does not stop here, four new flavors joined the range of sliced breads.
One of the advantages of sliced breads is that they are produced without preservatives, guaranteeing good quality. The most modern technology with the help of which these breads are produced includes a pasteurization process which, together with the double packaging, enables the extended freshness and softness of the bread in a completely natural way.


In 2006, the sliced breads in a new, square shape appeared on the Macedonian market for the first time. These are the first toasts launched under the name Elite, in two types - White and Rye. Moreover, Zito Luks is the only bread and flour company that in 2006 introduced new, modern technologies that enable the production of bread with a longer shelf life without the use of any preservatives.


In 2001, the ownership structure of Zito Luks changed, and Elbisco Holding SA became a strategic investor, owning 53.7% of the shares. The Elbisco Group accepted the core business of the company pledging to further develop and modernize it.


Since 1991, with the Law on Transformation Zito Luks was registered as a shareholding company. Since 1995, the company was fully privatized.


In 1986, Zito Luks and Zito Skopje, Vanilla and Gloria merged into MPI Zito Makedonija - and acted as such until 1989.


The Zito Luks brand was born in 1976, when it was founded as RO Zito Luks - Skopje. The activity was production and trading of bread, pastries, burek, but also trading of: dairy products, delicacies, canned meat and fish with vegetables, sugar and sugar products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, flour and cookies.


In 1970, Zito Luks joined RO Zito Makedonija, and since the RO Zito Macedonia was also engaged in the milling industry, their activity became trade and production of flour, bread, pastries and burek.


The Granap company is engaged in the production and sale of bread and pastries. Granap later divided into two companies: Zito Leb and Klas with the same activity - production and sale of bread and pastries. This is how it functioned until 30 April 1958, and as of 1 May 1958, a new company called Luks was formed from these two companies, which engaged in the production of bread, pastries and burek, selling them in its own stores.


It all started in the distant 1946, when the Government of the People's Republic of Macedonia with a Decree set up the Granap company, merging several existing private companies. This is the point in time when the current joint stock company Zito Luks, Skopje, was born.