Our company is deeply committed to investing in the youth of our nation, actively encouraging students to explore career opportunities in the country. Through a diverse array of initiatives, we provide support for students to gain insights into our industry. These initiatives include paid internships, open-house events, partnerships with vocational schools for practical training, and active participation in career days. Presently, we maintain partnerships with the Secondary Electrical Engineering School of the City of Skopje “Mihajlo Pupin” and SUGS “Maria Curie-Sklodovska”.


We take immense pleasure in making friends with our youngest consumers through monthly visits to schools. These visits serve an educational purpose, with our production technologists explaining the entire bread, toast, and rusks manufacturing process. Additionally, children have the delightful opportunity to sample our freshly baked bread, widely acclaimed as the most delicious they’ve ever tasted. As a token of appreciation, we send our young visitors home with a package of gifts from our product line.

The benefits of these visits are reciprocal. By familiarizing children with our products and quality from an early age, we cultivate a desire for our offerings. Furthermore, exposure to professions within the bakery industry may spark interest in pursuing careers as bakers, food technologists, and more, potentially leading to future employment with our company.